How Toddly Is Helping Day Schools

Hi there! My name is Brandon, the founder of Toddly. We want to give you more time for personalized interactions with students. To achieve this, we're making your "behind-the-scenes" processes more efficient.

Parents lifting up their child.

Here's How We Do It

1. Build your waitlist

Easily create your waitlist by adding students to Toddly.

We keep all your waitlist information organized and accessible within Toddly.

An image of a sample waitlist in Toddly.

2. Run our waitlist manager

When you have an opening, select a date-of-birth range and start the waitlist manager.

Toddly texts parents to find a student on your waitlist that is ready to enroll, saving you time and effort.

An image of the waitlist manager modal in Toddly.

3. Get notified when a student accepts

You'll receive an email alert once a new student accepts the spot.

This feature ensures that you can respond promptly to welcome new students to your school.

An image of a Toddly email notification.

How Much Revenue Are You Missing Out On?

$600 / year

Ready to work together?

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